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Fråga Läst Betyg Besvarad Öppna Svar
I'd like to know political Karelianist's work which assert the establishment of Greater Finland by annexation of Eastern Karelia. 926 Karelianism is mostly understood to mean the powerful artistic movement, which prevailed at the turn of the century. At that time one of its aims was to bolster the nascent independence movement in Finland, which was still under Tsarist Russia. Finland was a Russian Grand Duchy until Lenin granted Finland independence in 1917. The reasons for Finland’s territorial expansionism are many and varied. Despite the bitter political and emotional scars that resulted from the fierce civil war between the reds and the whites in 1917-1918, Finland was able to unite in the face of the common enemy and fought the Soviet army during the so-called Winter War in 1939-1940. Although the odds were overwhelming against the Finnish army, it was able to...
I am looking for a video on the French Revolution to show to my high school students in Parola. Do you have any to loan? Please let me know if there may be… 620 If you search the PIKI-database with the keyword Ranskan vallankumous, you will find all kinds of material on the subject, . Unfortunately, it seams that there are no videos in English about the topic. I found one video about the French revolution in Finnish in Tampere city library, an animation of the series Olipa kerran ihminen...: aikojemme seikkailut = Il etait une fois... l'homme, osa 8: Ranskan vallankumous 1997. There is also anohter videocassette in finnish, Vapauden bulevardit / toimittaja Erkki Toivanen, YLE Tallennepalvelu, 1995. Since the video does'nt include the Tampere city library collection, you should contact the library e.g. by email and ask if it is possible to borrow it from another...
What are the most popular books in your library this month? 130 You will find the list of the most popular books at Helsinki metropolitan area public libraries in November 2004: . The first group is fiction and the second one is non-fiction.
Haluaisin tietää, mitä strategisia kumppaneita yleisellä kirjastolla voi olla. 216 Kumppanuus tarkoittaa Ståhlen ja Laennon (2000) mukaan sekä yrityksen ulkoisia yhteistyösuhteita että sen sisäistä toimintakulttuuria, joissa toimijoina ovat ihmiset, ja joiden varaan myös kumppanuus rakentuu. Kumppanuus ei ole myötäsyntyistä, ja siksi sitä pitää rakentaa kuten johtajuuttakin, johon kumppanuuden taito sisältyy. Strategia –sana itsessään viittaa sodankäyntiin, josta se on lainattu liikemaailmaan ja sitä kautta se on rantautunut myös kirjastomaailmaan. Käsitteenä strategia voidaan ymmärtää läheisenä toimintatapana Strateginen kumppanuus yhdistää tietoresursseja siten, että kumppanit saavuttavat merkittävää strategista etua itselleen. Strategisessa kumppanuudessa molemmilla osapuolilla onkin tasavertaiset roolit, jotka...
How can I find address and telephone of a person I need? 15241 The address of every person living officially in Finland is available in Digi- ja väestötietovirasto (Population Register Centre) The telephone number is 0600 0 1000 (only in Finland) The mailing address of Digi- ja väestötietovirasto is Lintulahdenkuja 2 00530 HELSINKI
I am looking for information about A. Alariesto, the artist from lapland. Is there any references about him in English. I am especially interested in the… 3801 Thank you for your question! A good connection for you is: She has written a book about Alariesto and is working at Rovaniemi art museum. The book with English summary is Andreas Alariesto 1900-1989, Ars nordica 6, 1994 (951-749-208-1) You can leave your question also at the northern net information service Lapponica There you find also a data base where you can search about northern items by your self.
Cual es la flor autentica de groenlandia 3027 El origen de las flores de Groenlandia es generalmente Europa, pero la flor nacional de Groenlandia, Niviarsiaq (Chamaenerion latifolium), origenates de America del Norte. La flora de Groenlandia es del mismo tipo que la flora en la zona arctica.…
I want to know a country which has 4 seasons. 38623 Countries in temperate zones of the southern and northern hemispheres have four seasons. For example Finland and all Scandinavian countries, as well as other European countries. Generally in temperate and polar regions those seasons are recognized as spring, summer, autumn and winter. Wikipedia article Discussion on the subject in Yahoo! Answears -service
I need to know which businesses distribute kids' DVDs to stores and public libraries in Finland, and which businesses have PayTV for kids programming in… 1261 I assume that the enquirer is not asking for retail shops where private persons purchase their dvd’s. Public libraries buy their dvd’s mostly from the following importers and wholesalers: - BTJ Finland Oy, (in Finnish and in Swedish; e-mail asiakaspalvelu(at) ) - Oy Tibo-Trading Ab, - Oy Kielipalvelu, e-mail tilaukset(at) - AV-palvelu, (in Finnish, e-mail avpalvelut(at), - Kaleva Telemarketing, e-mail kaleva(at) - Futurefilm, (in Finnish, e-mail tilaukset(at) As to dvd stores, you can ask some of them about their importers: - Anttila, -...
I am learning a Finnish song set to the text of Mita kaikatat kivonen from the Kanteletar. It is a beautiful Finnish piece composed by a Finnish composer… 1292 This poem is about problems in getting married, but the the text is quite impossible to translate in English or in any other language as well. The poem's language is very archaic Finnish and hard to understand even for most of the Finns nowadays. Heikki Poroila Vantaa City Library, Finland
Can you tell me the best way to locate someones address and telephone number in the Helsinki area please? Is the telephone book available on the internet? 1872 The address of every person living officially in Finland is available in Väestörekisterikeskus (Population Register Centre). You can make inquiries in english by telephone or by mail. Contact information to address service,
What is a digital library 1001 According to Wikipedia at, a digital library is “a library in which collections are stored in digital formats (as opposed to print, microform, or other media) and accessible by computers”. “The DELOS Digital Library Reference Model” mentioned in the Wikipedia article defines it as “[a]n organization, which might be virtual, that comprehensively collects, manages and preserves for the long term rich digital content, and offers to its user communities specialized functionality on that content, of measurable quality and according to codified policies”. If you like to get more information about this topic, please see the Wikipedia article at There you...
I have made a reservation and my book has arrived. Can I borrow the book without paying the reservation fee at that point? I mean, can I pay the reservation… 978 Yes, you can pay the reservation fee later, if your overall fees do not exceed 8 euros.
I have a Helmet and an Arcada library card. To borrow a book from Varastokirjasto, should I use the… 258 You can order a book from the National Repository Library by using the Helmet ILL form: More information about interlibrary service in Helmet libraries:  
What is the iso vihan aika? I have seen it mentioned many times in Finnish histories but it has never been explained. 716 "Isoviha" is the certain period in Sweden-Finland's history between 1700-1721. You can read more about Finland's history in
How can i know the recent development in the libraries - i want to know what is the modern develpment in the libraries ? 973 It would be easier to answer your question if you could define it a little bit. What kind of libraries are you interested in – public, scientific, specialist etc.? Libraries where, all over the world? You sent your question to the Finnish Ask a librarian service, so I’ll give you some kind of an answer from a Finnish point of view. This might, however, not be anything near to what you would like to know. If so, please send us – or to some other similar service elsewhere - a new question. First of all, you could check the following pages: There you will find lots of information about all libraries in Finland. If you click the link “Library branch” -> Articles and presentations -> The Scandinavian Public...
Author of book "Three mistakes of my life" 926 The 3 Mistakes of my Life is the third novel written by Chetan Bhagat. The book was published in May 2008
(Hello)! I am an MSLIS student at Simmons College in Boston, MA, USA who is doing an area study project on Finland and its libraries/library and information… 1025 Hello! How nice that you are interested in Finnish Libraries. You have found our website, which contains information about Finnish Libraries and specially public libraries. The site of Finnish Library Association is off course important. Maybe you will find interesting information about Finnish public libraries in Helsinki City Library site, . Public libraries statistics can be found in a database here, . The National Library Website can be of interest , maybe you also could visit the site of the Department Information Studies in Tampere university . I did'nt quite understand what...
I've just got a library card from the Kannelmaki public library in the Helmet network. I don't quite understand how the interlibrary loan fees work. For… 360 You can order an item as an interlibrary loan from elsewhere in Finland or abroad, if the item is not available in the collections of any HelMet library. The service is subject to a charge. If You reserve material for exampel from Pasila to Kannelmäki it is not interlibrary loan. Reservation from other Helmet Libary is free of charge.……
I am looking for the e-book version of the sole commentary with the following bibliographic details: Bibliographic information Title: Guide to the Finnish… 7 Unfortunately, the book is not available for the public use. You have to buy a license to read it. For example, in our library one can read the book inside parliament's own network, because we have bought the license to use it. Only options are commercial e-book bookshops, like: