First of all, my apologies if this isn't the right forum to pose this question. Sometime ago I bought all the DVDs for a TV show called Twin Peaks. It's in…

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Hi, First of all, my apologies if this isn't the right forum to pose this question. Sometime ago I bought all the DVDs for a TV show called Twin Peaks. It's in very good state since I have only watched them a couple of times. I need to make room in my apartment so I thought I would donate it to the city's library since I have seen other TV shows and video games available for loan. Is there somewhere I could drop the discs?



Don't worry, this is just the right place to ask questions!

The copyrigt legislation in Finland requires the library to pay for the possibility to lend out movies. This is why the Finnish libraries are not allowed to lend out donated movies.

Many libraries have a place for recycling books, records and movies. You can leave your Twin Peaks DVD's to your closest library, if they have this service available. If not, you can ask the nearest one.

Heikki Poroila

1 röster
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